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You need a 'Token' to create a link. The first half of this article explains where to find this token. In the second half, it is explained per (para)medical software what to do with this token.


1. Select Token

  1. Go to Integrations (this link only works if you are already logged into your Rosa account)

  2. Find the software you are using in the list and, on the right, click on “Create Token”


titleIntegration in LogoSmart

1 Preparations

1.1 Accounts and organizations in Rosa

Rosa works with 'organizations' and 'accounts'. Multiple accounts can be created within one organization. An organization is therefore a practice or group practice, an account is a care provider. LogoSmart can be linked to one organization (group practice) and to all accounts (care providers) within that organization. A link with different organizations is therefore not possible. In the case of a group practice, you must therefore create an account in Rosa for all colleagues within the same organization. If you work alone, you don't have to worry about organizations.


If you and your colleagues already have a Rosa account, but you do not belong to the same organization, please contact Together we can discuss the best way to proceed.

1.2 Check the patients in Rosa

If you have used Rosa before, patients will already exist in Rosa. In Rosa it is possible to create the same patient several times. As a result, after synchronization with LogoSmart, that patient will also exist multiple times in LogoSmart. To avoid problems afterwards, make sure that the patient files in Rosa are cleaned up before you perform the first synchronization with LogoSmart.


Click here to read the article explaining how to do that.

1.3 Motives

Every appointment in Rosa has a reason (also called "motive"). These reasons are similar to LogoSmart's calendar codes. So create some reasons that match the most commonly used LogoSmart calendar codes.

Note: Because Rosa only knows 2 treatment locations, that location is not used in the connection with LogoSmart.

For example, you can enter the following reasons:

  • Initial balance

  • Evolutionary chart

  • Session 30'

  • Session 60'

  • Other

Be sure to enter a reason such as 'Other' to be able to make a link with the calendar code '?' in LogoSmart.

2 Link with LogoSmart

2.1 Follow the steps from the first half of this article and copy the Token .

2.2 Launch LogoSmart.

2.3 In the menu 'Data', choose the option 'Speech therapist'.

2.4 Double-click on your name and click on the 'Link Rosa' button.

2.5 Check the box next to 'Synchronise agenda and patients with Rosa'.

2.6 Paste the token in the token field and click on 'Save'

2.7 Then click on 'Sign up'. LogoSmart now connects to Rosa and shows the available calendars and motives.

2.8 Choose a provider, choose the calendar to synchronize and choose a default reason.

2.9 Click on 'Save'.

2.10 You can choose to forward all changes in the agenda to Rosa immediately, but if the internet connection is not fast enough, this can cause delays.

2.11 Repeat these steps for each colleague.

3 Link LogoSmart agenda codes and Rosa motives

LogoSmart's calendar codes must be linked to Rosa's motives.

Choose the option 'Rosa' in the 'Data' menu and then choose 'Link agenda code with Rosa motives'. A window appears with a list of all calendar codes.

The calendar code '?' and the calendar code for absences are special cases. So select that first.

  1. Select the calendar code '?'.

  2. At the bottom of the window, choose "Other" from the list of motives.

  3. In the list 'Rosa status' choose 'Normal'.

  4. Then click on 'Save'.

  1. Select the calendar code for unauthorized absence. Usually this is 'Q'.

  2. In the list 'Rosa status' choose 'Away (NO_SHOW)'.

  3. Then click on 'Save'.

Now link the other calendar codes to a motive. Not all calendar codes need to be linked. The result could look like this:

4 Synchronize LogoSmart with Rosa

4.1 Launch LogoSmart.

4.2 Click on the synchronization button at the top left. The synchronization does not happen fully automatically.

Note: The first synchronization will take several minutes.

titleIntegration in Hams

Please contact your contact person at Hams, they will set up the integration.

Add an external calendar
