When booking an appointment online, you can choose who the appointment is for.

Making an online appointment for a loved one

Making an online appointment for someone else is very similar to making an appointment for yourself.

  1. Go to the healthcare provider's public profile

  2. Choose a reason and time of the appointment

  3. Log in with your email address and the verification code sent to you.

First time using Rosa? Enter your personal details (not that of the person for whom you are booking an appointment) and click on 'Create account and continue booking'.

  1. Click on 'Someone else':

  2. Fill in the requested information of the person for whom you want to book an appointment

  3. his person now appears in the list 'For who is this appointment?'

  4. Make sure the right person is checked and click on 'Confirm appointment'

Need more details? Contact our team via support@rosa.be