Personalize the emails sent to patients

You can personalize emails the following way:

  • Link the instructions to a specific motive (e.g. don't eat before a surgical procedure) or link it to all motives to give general instructions (e.g. cancel if you have COVID symptoms)

  • Link the instructions to one or more calendars (if you work in a group practice). This way, you can sign the the note personally or in name of the practice

  • Arrange the layout of your text according to your own wishes: bold or italics, use lists, bullet points, and hyperlinks


In this article you’ll find:

Create patient instructions

  1. Open Instructions for patients (this link only works if you are already logged into your Rosa account)

  2. Click on ‘+ add instruction’

  3. Select the motives and calendars this instruction needs to appear on

  4. Write in your message

  5. Don’t forget to click on “Save” if you’re ready

Don’t forget that this is a shared setting. If you make changes to an existing instruction, this might have an impact on your colleagues!

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