Filter motives

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Filter motives

If you work in a big practice, with a lot of motives, it can be hard to find the motive you need. There are several ways to filter your motives.


In this article you’ll find:

Filter by specialty

By filtering by specialty, you will only see the motives that are linked to calendars of colleagues with that specific specialty.

  1. Go to Motives (this link only works if you are already logged into your Rosa account)

  2. Select the specialty for which you want to see the motives

Filter by calendar

By filtering by calendar, you will only see that specific calendar. It also allows you to make changes to a motive on calendar level.

  1. Go to Motives (this link only works if you are already logged into your Rosa account)

  2. Select the calendar for which you want to see the motives

Filter by location

When you create a motive, you can select if it’s for an appointment in the practice or a home visit. You can filter by this to easily see one or the other.

  1. Go to Motives (this link only works if you are already logged into your Rosa account)

  2. Select the location for which you want to see the motives

Filter by status

When you no longer need a motive, you can either adjust it to better fit your needs, or you can archive it. You can still see your archived motives by filtering on “Archived”. The other filters (specialty, calendar and location) can be used in combination with either “Active” or “Archived”.

  1. Go to Motives (this link only works if you are already logged into your Rosa account)

  2. Select the status for which you want to see the motives

Related articles

Link motives to specific agendasarchived

Create motivesarchived

Adjust motivesarchived

Archive motivesarchived

Your Timetablearchived



Do you need more help? Contact our team at support@rosa.be