Information in the patient file

In a patient’s file, you’ll find two tabs: Appointments and Patient information.


In this article you’ll find:


In this first tab, you’ll find an overview of upcoming, past, canceled (by the patient) and deleted (by you) appointments for this patient.

Note: If you put your agenda in ‘busy’ or ‘private’, your colleagues won’t be able to see this information.

Patient Information

By clicking on “Patient information” you can add or change the patient's data.

You’ll be able to adjust

  • Personal information

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Date of birth

    • National number

    • Legal Gender

    • Spoken language

  • Notes

  • Address

    • Street

    • House number / P.O. box

    • City

    • Zip code

    • Country

  • Contact

    • Phone

    • Additional phone

    • Email

Don't forget to click "save" underneath each section you make changes in, or your adjustments won’t be saved.

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