To appear in the search results of , you must activate your public profile.
This can only be done when:
your account has been verified by one of our employees. Is your account not yet verified? Please contact us at
at least one calendar is associated with a Site that has a valid address
an INAMI number (which automatically shows your specialty) or a specialty* is linked to your account
Activate your public profile
You can easily activate your public profile:
Click on your name in the top right corner
Click on 'My public profile'
Select the profile you want to make public
Click on 'Activate profile' at the top right
Click on 'Hide profile if you want to deactivate your profile again
Open Public Profile (this link only works if you are already logged into your Rosa account)
Note |
Your patients cannot make online appointments in the following cases:
Your patients can't make online appointments in the following cases:
you have not created any time slots in your timetable (or only in the past)
you haven’t checked the option “Allow online booking” in your motive(s)
your Rosa Profile is hidden
Info |
When your Rosa Profile is active, it’s important to keep in mind that:
Other common mistakes:
you selected “last minute slots” (these slots are only bookable during a limited time frame)
your “Late booking notice” is to long
the patient doesn’t have a valid email address
your external calendar contains appointments at the same time as your time slots
Related articles
Create emergency slots with "Last-minute slot"
Info |
Do you have a question? Contact our team at |